Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/livdin5/public_html/plugins/system/helix/core/helix.php on line 548


Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgContentembed_google_docs_viewer has a deprecated constructor in /home/livdin5/public_html/plugins/content/embed_google_docs_viewer/embed_google_docs_viewer.php on line 18

Warning! HTML5 Player doesn't support Playlists

Yvirskrift Talari Date Longd 96Kbps
Hvussu skal eg brúka restina av lívi mínum 22 November 2003 00:25
Hvat er samkoman 15 November 2003 00:15
Hvør er Heilagi andin 25 Oktober 2003 00:28
Hví og hvussu skal eg luta gleðiboðskapin 18 Oktober 2003 00:28
Hvussu kenni eg leiðslu Guds 04 Oktober 2003 00:24
Hví og hvussu skal eg lesa bíbliuna 27 September 2003 00:20
Kann eg hvíla í míni trúgv og hvat við øðrum trúgvum 20 September 2003 00:25
Hví og hvussu skal eg biðja 13 September 2003 00:24
Hví doyði Jesus 06 September 2003 00:28
Hvør er Jesus 30 August 2003 00:28
Kristindómur, óinteressantur ósannur og óviðkomandi 23 August 2003 00:30


Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgContentembed_google_docs_viewer has a deprecated constructor in /home/livdin5/public_html/plugins/content/embed_google_docs_viewer/embed_google_docs_viewer.php on line 18