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Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgContentembed_google_docs_viewer has a deprecated constructor in /home/livdin5/public_html/plugins/content/embed_google_docs_viewer/embed_google_docs_viewer.php on line 18

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Yvirskrift Talari Date Longd 96Kbps
Guds faðirhjarta - Títt lív hevur virði 24 Mai 2015 21:24 96Kbps
Samkoman 17 Mai 2015 36:51 96Kbps
Jesus eina 03 Mai 2015 25:57 96Kbps
Kristus, lív okkara 26 Apríl 2015 32:40 96Kbps
Uppreisnarvón 05 Apríl 2015 31:34 96Kbps
Er Guð stórur ? 29 Mars 2015 27:23 96Kbps
Hugleiðing 08 Mars 2015 24:10 96Kbps
Vitnisburður hjá Bjarna Jøkladal (eldra) 15 Februar 2015 19:07 96Kbps
Vit eru salt og ljós í hesum heimi 08 Februar 2015 31:39 96Kbps
Hugleiðing 04 Januar 2015 25:00 96Kbps
Vónir og dreymar fyri Lívdina í 2015 04 Januar 2015 48:00 96Kbps
Framhaldssøga: Advent (4. partur) 21 Desember 2014 26:25 96Kbps
Framhaldssøga: Advent (3. partur) 14 Desember 2014 13:26 96Kbps
Framhaldssøga: Advent (2. partur) 07 Desember 2014 17:26 96Kbps
Framhaldssøga: Advent (1. partur) 30 November 2014 20:03 96Kbps
Bibelen 16 November 2014 47:38 96Kbps
Litir í urtagarðinum 02 November 2014 45:11 96Kbps
Í Kristusi 16 August 2014 00:18 96Kbps
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Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; plgContentembed_google_docs_viewer has a deprecated constructor in /home/livdin5/public_html/plugins/content/embed_google_docs_viewer/embed_google_docs_viewer.php on line 18